We have an extensive database of highly selected, experienced and STCW-95 certified seafarers for various types of vessels, readily available upon request. They are screened by our expert recruiting team.

Securing the right crew is one thing, but securing the right competent crew is another. At GLOBAL SEAMEN Services, we pride ourselves on the quality of the crew we provide.
Our key relationship with our crews is characterized by integrity, loyalty, and a lifelong commitment.

We understand the competence, qualifications and experience of officers and crew are essential to the management of a vessel.

Our crewing services include:
  • Dedicated office staff
  • Crew selection and vetting
  • Maintenance of crew records
  • Training matrix management
  • Crew scheduling
  • Crew travel
  • Crew budgets and variance analysis
  • Payroll administration
  • Management reporting
  • Out of hours service and emergency response
  • Client Crew Portal
We also ensure that all parties involved in the operation of the ships are kept fully informed through continuous ship / shore communication and ship visits where possible.
A dedicated office staff provides continuity to run the crew management contract, while an out-of-hours (24/7) emergency contact is available to resolve all crew related issues, including unexpected crew relief and vessel schedule change.

We can provide you with access to a secure online facility allowing you to view personal information and certification details for all crew working on-board your vessels in live time. This service can be provided for on-going temporary supply or full crew management contracts.